
March 6, 2024


8:30 am Registration of participants and welcome coffee

9:30 am

Welcome greetings and introduction: Luigi Garofalo, Editor in Chief, Cybersecurity Italia

Institutional greetings

Message from:

  • Lorenzo Fontana, President of the Chamber of Deputies


  • Adolfo Urso, Minister of Enterprises and Made in Italy

Message from:

  • Guido Crosetto, Minister of Defence

Speech:  The challenge of artificial intelligence for cybersecurity: opportunities and risks

  • Bruno Frattasi, Director General, National Cybersecurity Agency (ACN)

Message from:

  • Alfredo Mantovano, Undersecretary of State to the Presidency of the Council of Ministers and delegated authority for the security of the Republic

Speech:  Cyber and AI: the new revolution

  • Giovanni Gagliano, Lieutenant General, Head of 6th Division, ITC, Cyber and Telecommunications, Defence General Staff

Speech: AI-Cyber-War: defence and response in partnership with strategic companies in Aerospace, Defence and Intelligence

SpeechRegulatory and supervisory challenges in AI and Cybersecurity

  • Felix A.Barrio, General Director, Spanish National Cybersecurity Institute

Speech: Wiretapping in the digital age


  • Paolo Aceto, Lieutenant General, Head of 3rd Division, Carabinieri General Command


11:10 am Coffee Break

Challenge Panel: AI Act and the accredited cybersecurity certification of ICT products

Speech: The best way to govern AI by balancing ethical principles and the right to innovation

  • Philip Larrey, Rev., Lynch School of Education and Human Development, Boston College

Speech: Crypto-assets and economic and financial crimes

  • Antonio Mancazzo, Brigadier General, Commander, Special Unit Data Protection and Fraud Technology, Guardia di Finanza

Interview with:

Video Speech: Cyber AI and military applications

1:00 pm Closing remarks and Light Lunch


2:15 pm

Continuation: Luigi GarofaloEditor in Chief, Cybersecurity Italia

Challenge Panel: AI Act, NIS2 and Italy’s cyber resilience. The role of the Parliament

  • Enzo Amich, Transport, Post and TLC Commission, Chamber of Deputies
  • Andrea CasuTransport, Post and TLC Commission, Chamber of Deputies
  • Alessandro Colucci, President, Parliamentary Intergroup for Technological and Cyber Security, Italy
  • Giulia Pastorella, Transport, Post and TLC Commission, Chamber of Deputies
  • Marco Pellegrini, Copasir and Defence Commission, Chamber of Deputies

Speech: Critical Infrastructures: the case of water resources

  • Roger Cataldi, CISO & Group Security IT Policy – CyberSecurity & Cyber Defence Threat Center, Almaviva

Challenge Panel: Safe, secure and reliable AI, based on ethical principles and new secure by design standards

  • Marco Conti, Director of the Institute of Computer Science and Telematics (IIT), CNR
  • Beatrice Covassi, Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats, European Parliament
  • Roberto Pignani, General Director, Cybertech (Gruppo Engineering)
  • Yuri Rassega, Chief Information Security Officer, Enel Group – President, ASSOCISO

Speech: Entrepreneurship and Innovation: Financing the technologies that will define the future

SpeechNavigating the Future: Balancing Risks and Rewards of AI

Speech: Artificial intelligence and mad cow syndrome. Alarmism or Panacea?

Challenge panel: International cooperation to explore the benefits and mitigate the cyber risks of artificial intelligence

Chaired and moderated by: Michele Colajanni, Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Alma Mater Studiorum, University of Bologna

  • Alfredo Nunzi, Head of Department Institutional and Legal Affairs, Europol
  • Massimiliano Signoretti,Lieutenant Colonel, Italian Air Force, Legal Advisor, Cyberspace Operations Command (COR), Defence General Staff
  • Paul TortoraDirector, Naval Academy Center for Cyber Security Studies, United States Naval Academy

Speech: Micro and macro security trends in Italy and worldwide

Speech: Artificial Intelligence: threat and tool for cybersecurity

Challenge Panel: Healthcare in the grips of cyber criminals. How to secure health data?

Moderated by: Felicia Pelagalli, Director of Culture and Lecturer in Ethics and Interpretation of Complex Data at the Master in Big Data at “La Sapienza” University of Rome

  • Giovanni Arcuri, Chief Technology & Innovation officer, Fondazione Policlinico Universitario Agostino Gemelli IRCCS
  • Giuseppe Bianchi, Professor, “Tor Vergata” University of Rome, Director of the National Laboratory “Network Assurance & Monitoring” (CNIT)
  • Luca Foresti, CEO, Centro Medico Santagostino

Speech: Analysis of the criticalities associated with integrating third-party AI in companies

Intervento: Human Machine Teaming: Why the human element will always be indispensable in Cybersecurity

Challenge Panel: University research for cybersecurity. SERICS projects within the National Recovery and Resilience Plan

Chaired and moderated by: Alessandro Armando, Professor, University of Genoa

6.30 pm Closing remarks

March 7, 2024


8:30 am Registration of participants and welcome coffee

9:30 am

Welcome greetings: 


  • Edmondo Cirielli, Vice Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, MAECI

Video speech:

Remote Speech:

  • Lorena Boix Alonso, Director for digital society, innovation and cybersecurity, DG Connect, European Commission

Speech: The Perfect Storm: Generative AI and CI Attacks

  • Laura Galante, Director, Cyber Threat Intelligence Integration Center & the IC Cyber Executive, Office of the Director of National Intelligence

Challenge Panel: National Security in the Space Domain

Moderated by: Andrea Bettini, Journalist, RaiNews24

  • Lorenzo Chessa,Italian Space Agency Security Directorate
  • Luca Monaco, Brigadier General (Italian Army), Commander of the Space Operations Command
  • Massimo Panzeri, Senior System Security Engineer, European Space Agency (ESA)
  • Andrea Salpietro, Chief Security Officer, Telespazio

SpeechWe’re going to Space. Who’s coming?

Remote Speech: The asymmetric relationship between cyber security and the latest frontier technologies

  • Marco Molinaro, Security Lead for Italy, Central Europe and Greece, Accenture


Speech: Complexity and trends of attacks on Italian businesses in the AI era: how to be protected by increasing visibility and speed of response

11:10 am Coffee Break

Speech: A new era of Advanced Persistent Cybercrime: what cybersecurity for the challenges of 2024?

Speech: Electromedical protection, specificity and maximisation of IT/OT infrastructure resilience

  • Nicola Mugnato, Founder and Chief Technology Officer, Gyala Cyber Security

Challenge Panel: NIS2 Directive. The business point of view

Chaired and moderated by: Stefano Mele, Partner – Head of the Cybersecurity & Space Law Department, Gianni & Origoni



  • Eugenio Santagata, Chief Public Affairs & Security Officer, TIM – Chairman & CEO, Telsy

Speech: Cybersecurity and AI to support the competitiveness of countries. The goals of the G7 under the Italian presidency

  • Alessio Butti, Undersecretary to the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Technological Innovation and Digital Transition

1:00 pm Closing remarks and Light Lunch


2:30 pm

Continuation: Luigi GarofaloEditor in Chief, Cybersecurity Italia

Title: Benefits and mistakes of artificial intelligence and its use for web propaganda


Challenge Panel


Challenge Panel: Manipulation by AI: possibility or certainty?

Chaired and moderated by: Roberto Setola, Professor, Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma and Director of Master in Homeland Security

  • NicolaPaolino, Partner EY Advisory, Technology Consulting, Cyber Security & Digital Protection
  • Fabio Roli, Full Professor of Computer Engineering, University of Genoa
  • Nicola Vanin, CISO, Cassa Depositi e Prestiti


Speech: The “artificial” CISO: the future of the job

Challenge Panel: Cyber Fusion Center: the convergence of innovative AI-based technologies to achieve an effective strategy

Speech: How and why geopolitics must influence cybersecurity decisions

Challenge PanelDigital PA How to enhance cyber capabilities
Chaired and moderated by: Luigi GarofaloEditor in Chief, Cybersecurity Italia

Closing remarks and acknowledgements: Luigi Garofalo, Editor in Chief, Cybersecurity Italia
