Matteo Mauri

Matteo Mauri

Responsabile Sicurezza e Cybersecurity, PD, Deputato, Camera dei Deputati

Milanese, 54 years old, holds a degree in Political Science from the University of Milan.

Currently serving his third term as a Member of Parliament for Partito Democratico.

Deputy Minister of the Interior from 2019 to 2021 in the Conte II Government, with responsibility for Public Security and Assets Confiscated and Seized from the mafia.

Councilor, Assessor, and PD Group Leader of the Provincia di Milano from 2004 to 2013.

Twice a member of the PD National Secretariat, where he also served as National Coordinator of the Secretariat. He was the PD’s National Head of  “Citizenship and Immigration” and is currently the party’s National Head of Security.