Antonio Teti

Head of the Information Systems, Technological Innovation and Information Security Sector at the University “G. d’Annunzio” of Chieti-Pescara

Antonio Teti is the head of the Information Systems, Technological Innovation and Information Security Sector at the University “G. d’Annunzio” of Chieti-Pescara, where he teaches IT Governance and Big Data. He has over thirty years of experience in studies, research and consultancy in public and private companies and government institutions.

He teaches Cyber ​​Intelligence at the 1st and 2nd level Criminal Analysis Course at the Police Forces Specialization School in Rome; Virtual Humint, Cyber ​​Security at the Master in Cybersecurity at LINK University in Rome; Cyber ​​Espionage and Counterespionage at the Specialization Course in Intelligence and National Security at the University of Florence, at the Master in Intelligence at the University of Calabria and at the Master in Intelligence and ICT at the University of Udine. He teaches Cyber ​​Influence at the Course in Intelligence, Security and National Interest at the Libera Università LUMSA in Rome and Cyber ​​Intelligence at the Master in International Defense and Security Policy Analyst at the University of Palermo.

He is the author of 18 books in Cyber ​​Security, Intelligence, Cyber ​​Intelligence and Information Technology published by various publishing houses (U. Hoepli, Apogeo, Springer Verlag, Pearson, Rubbettino, Tecniche Nuove, Il Sole 24 Ore)